Yes I know. . .
Jimasta at
Jimasta at
Thu Jun 24 16:45:59 EST 1999
this issue has been discussed ad nausea, BUT I have to ask. How can I
get any sound playback on my Wallstreet PB G3 250 ? I have no speaker
playback (i.e. digital sound *.wav, *.au etc...) and my CD-ROM bay
doesn't play through the speakers or line-out, for that matter, (the
?kcd? shows the tracks playing and the time progressing but, _no_
sound). I _do_ however get the 'system' beep (although I think the
mechanism for that sound output is different than digital sound out).
And yes I have rebooted my Mac with the sound input on "None", "Built-In
Mic" and "Expansion Bay".
I'm running R4 with kernel "vmlinux-2.3.6-990616".
BTW, Ben, have you ever gotten an positive response with the
expansion-bay ZIP fix you posted ? (it didn't work for me and I've used
all the kernels 2.1.125 thru 2.3.6)
JJ J ii
J J i
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*** only beginnings. ******** *******
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********************* ***
************ **
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