Accel. Video on PB G3/300?

Albrecht Dreß ad at
Tue Jun 22 00:14:48 EST 1999

Hi all,

	I managed to install R5 on a PowerBook G3/300, but I could not get accelerated
video running. I used "video=atyfb:vmode:14,cmode:32,mclk:xx" with xx from 63 to
73, but got always the "garbage screen". Has anyone had better results?

Thanks for your help, Albrecht.

| Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Dre\ss                                     ----           |
| Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Radioastronomie   |\       /      /o  o\          |
| Technische Abt. Optische Interferometrie    |  \    /      |  /   |         |
| Auf dem H\"ugel 69                          |    \ |        \ ---/          |
| D-53121 Bonn (Germany)          ------------+------+-------------------     |
|                                             |    / |                        |
| Phone (+49) 228 525 319                     |  /  /                         |
| Fax   (+49) 228 525 411                     |/   /                          |
| Mail  ad at                                                  |
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