EM86 port for LinuxPPC?

Joseph Palani Garcia jpgarcia at execpc.com
Fri Jun 11 04:13:51 EST 1999

Some may have noticed the EM86 x86 "emulator" for alpha/linux to run
x86/linux binaries.  I recently added the define to my kernel compile and
it compiled the binary support (the em86 program gets help from the
kernel, so theres a kernel define in the alpha kernel config).  Anyway,
I downloaded all the source from digital's site, and tried compiling it.
It all compiled fine except for one thing, the thing i am doubious about.
a source file that is only about 25 lines of assembly.  What i think it
does is reroute the syscalls to the friend in the kernel.  It seems to me
that because of this, it may be bound to the alpha architecure.  Is there
a way to port this to ppc?  or is there just too many dissimilarities
between alpha and ppc archs?  ( i haven't tried doing it yet because i
don't know if its worth the time in learning alpha and ppc assm/arch just
to get x86/linux bins to run... or im just lazy)



Joseph Garcia
Madison, WI
jpgarcia at execpc.com

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