Support for Motorola Platforms

Michael Meissner meissner at
Sat Jun 5 01:59:20 EST 1999

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 03:37:13PM +0100, Adrian Cox wrote:
> Johnnie Peters wrote:
> > Motorola has a new version of the MVME2400 with the MAX processor and
> > as soon as I can get my hands on one I will do the work to get Linux
> > to run on it.  Plans are also underway for new versions of the MTX
> > series
> > supporting the MAX processor.
> Has anybody started work on GNU tools and kernel porting for Altivec
> processors? The issues I see are:
> (1) Altivec intructions in gas, so I don't have to enter the codes by
> hand.
> (2) Linux Kernel patches to load/save Altivec registers. These are large
> enough that a lazy load/save might be useful.
> (3) (Questionable) Patches to EGCS to support the C extensions that
> Motorola specify in the Altivec PIM. I detest C extensions that add the
> keyword "vector", but all Motorola's example code uses them.

I have patches from Motorola to add Altivec support to egcs 1.0.3.  I haven't
been in PowerPC mode recently and haven't looked at them.

> All of these can be done based on documentation from Motorola's website.
> I suspect that (1) has already happened inside some RTOS vendors, but
> will take a long time to filter into the standard releases.
> - Adrian Cox

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: meissner at	phone: 978-486-9304	fax: 978-692-4482

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