
Jeremy Welling jwelling at
Thu Jun 3 11:51:37 EST 1999

I've got a G3 minitower.  I can't get it linux to acknowledge the ultra
scsi drive.  I tried to bypass the builtin scsi by plugging it into the
pci scsi card.  No help.  I've also tried kernels 2.2.1 thru 2.2.7.  I
started by partitioning the internal drive with the correct partitions.
When boot linux through bootX, I go into the redhat installer and it
can't find the disk.  I drop out to the redhat messages and it says
"/proc/scsi/scsi: Attached devices: none".  The kernel messages note
detecting scsi0 :  MESH  scsi : 1 host.  and no other controllers.  If
anyone has any input, it would be greatly appreciated.

Jeremy Welling

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