Motorola Web Site

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Wed Jul 28 23:36:13 EST 1999

In message <m119OXL-0000WZC at> you write:
> While it is nce to have motorola *effectively* supporting linux

Yes - thanks, Motorola!

> may I make the follwoing comments :
>     1) The form you need to fill to access patches is quite
>     painfull and if the purpose is only to notify users of
>     patch changes, then email would be sufficient...

Agreed. I do not like at all being forced to supply such  information
if I want or not. Please remove this!

You may add a link where anybody who *wants* notifications of changed
*may* register, but please do not try to force us!

An additional disadvantage  of  the  current  interface  is  that  it
disallows for automatic downloads using wget or similar tools.

>     2) The patch for 2.2.10 is 1.5 MB. It could have been 
>     compressed!!!


3) Is Motorola going to extend it's Linux support to the embedded controllers
   (MPC8xx, MPX82xx) ?

4) Running a diff against the original 2.2.10 distribution results in
   *all* files  being  different;  why  were  all  the  $Id$  strings

   For instance - I guess there were not  so  many  changes  for  the
   Alpha prom code:

   -> diff linux-2.2.10/arch/mips/sgi/prom/misc.c linux_mot/arch/mips/sgi/prom/misc.c
   < /* $Id: misc.c,v 1.6 1998/07/08 15:59:13 ralf Exp $
   > /* $Id: misc.c,v 1.3 1998/11/10 02:14:56 jpeters Exp $

   This makes it basicly impossible to find  out  what  *really*  was


Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: -88  Home: -86  Email: wd at
"Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations  are
always high, and the results usually disappointing."   - Robert Orben

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