usb mouse in 2.2.10

Robert Brose bob at
Tue Jul 27 12:58:05 EST 1999

Thanks for those that helped with the usb keyboard and 2.2.10. Now that the
keyboard is working
on the iMac, I've got one observation and a question.

1) The keyboard response is somewhat odd. If I type "cd /anything" at the
prompt, it fairly
regularly does cdcd /anything on the echo. It's hard to pin down because it
completely consistent. I'm guessing an odd debounce problem.. It seems to only
happen on
a few characters. The same machine works fine with 2.2.5.

2) The mouse is inoperative in X. The links are...
[bob at imac /dev]$ ls -l *mouse*
crw-r--r--   1 root     root      10,  10 Apr 30 10:54 adbmouse
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root            8 Jun 16 12:08 mouse -> usbmouse
crw-rw-r--   1 root     root      10,   6 May  5  1998 sunmouse
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           11 Jun 16 11:45 usbmouse -> hidbp-mse-0

The X pointer section..
Section "Pointer"
    Protocol    "BusMouse"
    Device      "/dev/mouse"

If I cat /dev/mouse and move it I get moving lines of junk as I would expect.
The bus mouse
protocol looks suspicious but it works in 2.2.5 and I haven't found anything to
replace it with

Robert E. Brose II    N0QBJ
bob at

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