2.2.10 compile and usb kbd on iMac

bob at kunk.jriver.com bob at kunk.jriver.com
Sat Jul 24 15:40:22 EST 1999

I'm trying to get to the point of being able to work on usb printers but
have run into a problem.

I'm compiling the 2.2.10 kernel from sources 

I can get it to compile OK, using the dot.config from the binary dir.

The problem is that it doesn't matter whether I use my compile or the
binary from the ftp site, I can't get the iMac usb keyboard to work, the
keys are in the "wrong" place. Even in just text mode, the keys are
generated but they are wrong. I found the usb.map file in the source
tree but I'm not sure where to put it. I can't find this documented, can
anyone help? Should the usb.map file fix the problem?

Robert E. Brose II    N0QBJ
bob at kunk.jriver.com

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