Is the vger 2.2 kernel branch dead
valette at
Thu Jul 22 17:57:48 EST 1999
>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Porter <mmporter at> writes:
Matt> On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Johnnie Peters wrote:
Matt> I was being facetious. Honestly, somebody is feeding me a major line of
Matt> crap. Cort claims to get no patches from Motorola, yet Johnnie claims to
Matt> be sending them in. Since my stuff is in Johnnie's repository, it's a
Matt> problem for me. Hopefully, this time things start going in cause if
Matt> not we'll have to find another route.
I was thinking Cort may be on vacation... If this is the case, It's bad
it has not been announced. Nevertheless, once again, the lack of transparency
for patch handling is *really* annoying...
I understand patches can be rejected. At least I would like to know why...
/ ` Eric Valette
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