imstt video question

charlie buckheit buckheit at
Wed Jul 21 12:33:58 EST 1999

OK, this horse is probably been long dead, but...

First, I have an Power Tower Pro w/ 8 meg IMSTT video card running Linuxppc
1999. I've successfully compiled and am using 2.2.10 kernel (OBTW the
turbomouse5 works great for me with no changes...). The colors are only
correct in 8 bit setting. 16 bit mode is yellow/red in color, 24 bit has
some colors correct, but others are way off. I've done a register dump and
compared to the code from IXMicro and previous driver code I wrote that
worked, and the card appears to be configured correctly. So my guess is that
this is an X issue. I've looked at XF86config and I don't have a clue. I
sort of remember getting a version way back from Geert that worked, but I
can't access his site these days. Anyway, does somebody have a XF86config
file that works with the IMSTT card? Thanks in advance.

VR, Charlie 

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