requesting APUS installation help for R5

Rick Jones rickj at
Sat Jul 17 13:48:29 EST 1999

Hello folk

    The Linux news from Amiga Inc. renewed my interest and I decided to
attept putting LinuxPPC on my A3000/CyberstormPPC equipped Amiga.
    I learned to boot the kernel and RAM images from sunsite and ordered the
LinuxPPC CD-ROM. Instead of R4 I got R5, and I'm so far unable to install
it. The ramdisk image from sunsite which runs the R4 Redhat installation
procedure doesn't find the directory tree it wants, and the Redhat
installer on the CD wants a Macintosh keyboard.
    I'll fiddle around trying to reorganize the R5 files to look like what
an R4 installer wants on a hard drive partition, but I don't really know
what that should look like and will be shooting in the dark.

    Can anyone offer some help or encouragement? Would an APUS R5 install
image be in the works?

    P.S. I would have been posting to comp.os.linux.m68k as the FAQ's imply
I should, but on my ISPs news server it looks empty. I don't know how long
they keep low traffic list articles.

Rick Jones

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