RPX Lite kernel

Scott Wood scott at broadlink.com
Fri Jul 9 06:34:40 EST 1999

I tried recompiling gcc and binutils from RedHat's SRPMS, but encountered a plethora of errors.  The versions on your page worked
flawlessly.  Thanks a bunch, that saved me a lot of time and energy!!

Matt Porter wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Scott Wood wrote:
> > Thanks...  mkdep was taking over all my CPU/RAM on my machine, but it worked fine on another RedHat-5.2 box.  Now all I need is a
> > cross-compiler... any idea where I can get ppc-linux-gcc?
> http://members.home.net/mmporter/cross.html
> Binaries are out of date since I'm developing natively these days, but the
> build process is documented there as well.
> --
> Matt Porter
> mmporter at home.com
> This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.
|     Scott Wood      |   Systems  Engineer  |
|           BroadLink Communications         |

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