LinuxPPC R5 on PowerBook Series 1999

Charles A. Jolley charles.jolley at
Thu Jul 1 00:01:18 EST 1999

Hi all:
    I have not been able to find any data on the status of running Linux on
the new PowerBooks released in May.  I downloaded the standard R5
distribution installer last night, however, and tried to run it.  After
clicking the "Linux" button on BootX, it wrote a few lines to the console
and then the screen appeared to shut off.  The hard drive was still clicking
away, however, so I think the kernel might have still been running.

    So, I have two questions:

1.  Is there anyone else who is working on getting Linux running on these
models or are there any additional updates beyond the R5 distribution that I
should get and try and...

2.  I thought I might try to get things working, or at least figure out why
the kernel doesn't boot.  The only issue is I can't get any feedback from
the kernel on why it dies.  It prints a short message when it first starts
but then the screen goes dead before I can read it.  Is there another way to
get that information out?   In fact, since there are no serial ports on this
machine (just the iMac), how do I get any feedback from the
kernel without functioning video? (or an OF interface to help me along,
which is what I do in my other kernel development...)


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