clearinghouse for your patches - I want your patches!

Cort Dougan cort at
Thu Jan 28 20:30:48 EST 1999

Most likely.  I'm negotiating that now.

}Will the patches that were already in the vger tree before the official
}release of 2.2.0 make it into mainstream 2.2 soon? I am talking about

The changes will stay in vger but may have some trouble getting into Linus'
tree right away.  They eventually will be in Linus' tree, though.  I keep
regular snapshots at
of the vger tree.  I just made one this evening of vger 2.2.0 (no pre-patch).

}those that were in the last vger snapshot (pre9 = 2.2.0-final) that
}managed to escape before the door was closed (it's on your site,
}anyway). For example, atyfb-v1.101 vs 1.98 in the official 2.2.0, or
}BenH's patches to drivers/macintosh/mac_keyb.c.

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