MP machine with VME bridge ??

Vinai vroopcha at
Fri Jan 22 13:48:28 EST 1999

Hi All,

I am trying to collect some information here.  We currently have a high-
speed data acquisition system (16-bit, 2E6 samples per sec) running on a
Power Challange (multiple CPU Sili-graph machine with a VME bus). We are
trying to create a duplicate system, but would very much like to avoid
paying what we did for the Sili-graph.

Are there any multiple-CPU VME motorola based machines out there that'll
run LinuxPPC?  Our only other alternative is linux running on a multiple
-CPU intel machine.  But as yet we have not been able to find a PCI card
that has the A/D performance we currently have with our present VME set-

Thanks all.


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