PowerBook battery test
Benjamin Herrenschmidt
bh40 at calva.net
Sun Jan 17 23:57:11 EST 1999
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999, mukesh agrawal <agrawal at ais.org> wrote:
>here's what i get on my Powerbook 2400. The battery monitor CSM
indicates that
> 1. battery is fully charged (8 bars)
> 2. power in plugged in
> 3. battery is not charging
>Having fun with your batteries !
>Global battery status: 0x01, power: 0x5b
> [charger connected]
>1 batteries :
><1> 12.399994V
> exp: 0s, min: -1s, max: -1s, timeUntilCharge: -1s
> info - fl:0xa0, warn_level:0, resrv:0, bat_level:255
> [battery installed]
> [charger connected]
>Now calling PMU...
>0x68 (1) : r:3,s:03 -> 01 5b 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>0x6b (1) : r:3,s:08 -> e5 00 b6 35 1a 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>0x6f (1) : r:3,s:04 -> 05 53 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>Trying to interpret 0x6f command:
> 00 [battery present]
> 01 [charger connected]
> 01 [battery charging]
It looks like the PMU reacts quite differently on the 2400, we'll
probably have to setup different code for 2400/3400/3500 and new G3 "Series".
The 6f command seems to be returning something different. I get 10 bytes
of response, you get only 4 and the flags interpretation looks wrong.
(Could you try removing the battery and/or the charger and see what
happens with those flags).
So we definitely need a way to make the difference between those
different kinds of PowerBooks. (There are some issues with the backlight
too). I was thinking about using the presence of o-hare to recognize and
older model, this is a little bit "hackish" but should work.
I have added backlight control commands to /dev/pmu, I'll add some
battery status commands too, but I would like to make them independant of
the kind of machine.
E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at calva.net>
BenH. Web : <http://calvaweb.calvacom.fr/bh40/>
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