floppy driver bug: write-protect

Paul Mackerras paulus at cs.anu.edu.au
Fri Jan 15 14:31:22 EST 1999

Brad Midgley <brad at pht.com> wrote:

> is this a known bug?

well, I didn't know about it. :-)

> on intel linux, if you try to mount a write-protected floppy disk
> read-write, the mount succeeds but is demoted to read-only. 

Do you have access to an intel-linux box?  Could you do an strace on
the mount command on a write-protected floppy and see whether mount
does two mount system calls (the first failing with EROFS), or if it
does some other ioctl to check whether the disk is write-protected?

> the current pmac kernel will mount the disk read-write and will allow
> "writes" to the disk. the writes even appear to succeed and the mounted

OK, I need to check the write-protect status in the floppy_write
routine in swim3.c.

I have recently looked at the floppy driver source code in MkLinux,
which looks like it is derived from macos sources.  It looks like
there are a few tweaks which I need to do to the Linux/PPC driver.


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