Porting to NuBus PowerMacs

a sun asun at saul7.u.washington.edu
Thu Jan 14 15:09:07 EST 1999

   Actually, on looking at it, there is the use of memory barriers.  The real
   change is in the code for the memory barriers (and possibly in other
   places, too... not certain).  See 


   in the MkLinux sources.  :-)

oh my. i hadn't noticed that. thanks for pointing it out to me. i
guess a plain eieio() is sometimes not good enough... no doubt, the
designers of certain unmentionable devices were being directed by some
cosmic purpose that we, the uninitiated, can only vaguely envision and
hope to understand.

luckily, my trusty g3 upgrade card handily curtails my pursuit into
the ineffable nature of such visionaries. i guess i'll have to add a
CONFIG_601 to deal with certain "third-party" devices though. that
way, we can have just as much fun as the other architectures with
processor-specific tweaks.

asun at u.washington.edu

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