MBX860: How to boot with initrd ?

Troy Benjegerdes hozer at drgw.net
Mon Jan 11 09:46:11 EST 1999

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Dan Malek wrote:

> Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> > ....  But  I  must be missing something, because such an image will
> > not boot; all I see is:
> Hmmm.  I know initrd works because I use it quite often.  All of the
> memory relocation looks OK.  Cort had a good suggestion, can you
> build a kernel that boots using NFS (or at least boots to the point of
> trying to mount the root fs).
> >         Linux/PPC load: console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8
> This looks a little weird.  It should not be necessary and I
> don't know what happens when it is used.

Actually, it's pretty handy, if you have a VGA display.. it will duplicate
everything printed to the console to tty0 (VGA) and ttyS0 (the serial
port).  This is hardcoded in arch/ppc/boot somewhere.

I don't know how much this will help, but I have had some problems with
the bootloader when compiled with some versions of egcs on a Blackhawk
board. You could try compiling arch/ppc/boot/*.c with -O instead of -O2.

| Troy Benjegerdes    |       troy at microux.com     |    hozer at drgw.net   |
|    Unix is user friendly... You just have to be friendly to it first.  |
| This message composed with 100% free software.    http://www.gnu.org   |

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