arch/ppc/kernel restructure + MVME/MTX OpenPIC support

Troy Benjegerdes hozer at
Mon Jan 11 09:24:13 EST 1999

I have just finished some early testing of this.

The patch is available on

Here's what I put in the REAME:

This is my set of integrated patches to the Linux kernel, which are based on
Corey Minyard's linuxppc-rework3.diff patches, along with Gabriel Paubert's
Preploader (which I have integrated into arch/ppc/preploader) and Raven MPIC
support for Motorola MTX/MVME boards.

This works on my MTX board, but only with CONFIG_PREPLOADER (the preploader
has a config option ;) ) because the raven needs to have it's PCI memory
space remapped or it isn't accessible.

Pmac should work, along with APUS. I think I may have broken MBX support..
Can someone check this out and fix this?

These patches were made from my local CVS archive agains 2.2.0-pre6.
Please let me know if you have any additions, etc. 

| Troy Benjegerdes    |       troy at     |    hozer at   |
|    Unix is user friendly... You just have to be friendly to it first.  |
| This message composed with 100% free software.   |

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