MouseSystems MacoPoint Pro, 3 btn mouse

Konstantinos Margaritis kmargar at
Fri Jan 8 04:00:19 EST 1999

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

> I'm putting together some patches that include out-of-the box support for
> most 3 btn mice, PowerBook trackball (and backlight for G3 Series) and a
> couple of other things. It's not ready yet, but I'm also including the
> MacX patches via a config option (disabled by default since it hacks too
> much the normal ADB behaviour and is not currently compatible with
> non-MacX mice).
> However, I don't have any of those mice. If someone with a MacX mouse
> could send it to me for a couple of days, this would allow me to make
> sure it works 100% (I would like to test some stuffs to improve the
> behaviour of the patch but I cannot without a mouse).
> So anyone with a MacX compatible mouse willing to send it to Paris for
> some days ?

Actually, after I tested the MacX patch by Kelly Campbell -although I had
to tweak it a bit, since I use 2.1.131 kernel- I found out it works
perfectly with the Macpoint Pro mouse, so instead of sending you my mouse,
I would suggest that this patch be inserted to the official kernel tree.
That would be best, IMHO.

Konstantinos Margaritis
kmargar at

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