Strange PMAC IDE performance problem

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at
Thu Jan 7 20:11:37 EST 1999

On Thu, Jan 7, 1999, Paul Mackerras <paulus at> wrote:

>It's usually the instruction that reenables interrupts globally, after
>we have disabled the particular interrupt we are servicing.  I think
>what happens is this: we write to the interrupt controller enable
>register to disable the interrupt.  This write percolates through the
>PCI bridge down into the gc/ohare/heathrow/whatever chip, and some
>time later that chip will negate the interrupt request signal
>(assuming there are no other enabled interrupts).  In the meantime the
>CPU has been proceeding from the write to the instruction where it
>reenables interrupts (by putting a new value in the MSR).  If the CPU
>gets there first, you can get a bogus interrupt.
>I put in a sync instruction after the write to make the cpu wait at
>least until the pci bridge has acknowledged the write.  That helps on
>many machines but isn't sufficient on some.  Reading a register in the
>interrupt controller should help, especially if there was an eieio
>between the read and the write.  (The eieio goes out onto the system
>bus and should therefore be seen by the PCI host bridge.  Whether the
>bridge honors it by not allowing subsequent reads to bypass previous
>writes is another question. :-)

I discussed this with Cort not so long ago, since in theory, the write to
the ack register could still be in the bridge when you re-enable EE,
regardless of the sync (posted writes are always handled async by the
bridge, and I don't see why sync would sync anything with the PCI bridge,
at least not with an ordinary bridge but maybe Grackle has some
PPC-specific features here). I suggest adding a read from the controller
(with it's eieio) anyway. This will ensure that all bridges on the path
to the interrupt controller have been flushed (at least according to PCI
standard). A bridge that allow a read to bypass a previous write is
definitely a broken bridge (do you know one ?)

           E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at>
BenH.      Web   : <>

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