MouseSystems MacoPoint Pro, 3 btn mouse

Konstantinos Margaritis kmargar at
Wed Jan 6 12:01:12 EST 1999

(I apologize beforehand in case someone gets annoyed with crossposting)

I have just bought this mouse, and while it works ok with the mac, I can't
get it to work in linux (well, it works, but it doesn't use all 3
buttons). Yes I know, I should get mousemode and do 'mousemode 15 3' or
something like that, I did search the faq, but found no mention of this
particular mouse. Problem is that I use Debian/PPC and the mousemode
included (in package pmac-utils 1.1.1-1) seems to be old, or at least it
works only with /dev/adb. As I use 2.1.131, the proper device
is /dev/adbmouse and mousemode fails with an Input/Output Error.

So, what I really need is either a proper debian package (sorry rpms won't
do as I use glibc pre2.1), or sources to a working mousemode and if
possible the word of someone experienced in this sort of thing.

Thanks for any help.

Konstantinos Margaritis
kmargar at

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