PowerPC and egcs gurus: Help! egcs PPC Float Min != JCK Float Min

David Edelsohn dje at watson.ibm.com
Sun Feb 28 08:43:50 EST 1999

	There seems to be some confusion between FLT_MIN and MINFLOAT.

FLT_MIN is the smallest NORMALIZED float = 1.1754943508222875e-38F
MINFLOAT is the smallest float (_EXPBASE ** (FMINEXP - 1)) = 1.40129846432481707e-45

	I do not know how the JCK actually is testing this, but the
PowerPC IEEE single-precision floating point can represent both values and
the real minimum depends on what one actually means.  float.h FLT_MIN does
not have the same meaning as Java Float_Min.


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