bootloader problems and linux/ppc developers tree

VALETTE Eric valette at
Fri Feb 26 20:02:24 EST 1999

>>>>> "Cort" == Cort Dougan <cort at> writes:

Cort> Does this sound good to everyone?  I think this will address the more
Cort> immediate problems.  2.2.x is a good time to resolve these issues and I'd
Cort> like to do it right.  I'd hate to loose the good work you've all done
Cort> by things getting too divergent.  Lets share code and try to hammer out a
Cort> common bootloader for prep now.

I could not agree more. Sorry to have pushed for this to happen a little
firmly and at least non diplomaticly.

Note that the kernel early setup (prep_*) should be handled in a similar 
way as I think many incompatibilities lies there also.

--  eric

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