3 Button Mouas with LinuxPPC on MAcs

Dirk Feuchter dirk at belchen.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Feb 24 16:26:10 EST 1999


we are an institute of the university of Heidelberg.
We are using Apple Macintoshs  G3 with ADB-Bus
We want to work with LINUXPPC in future
and partly are doing so with DR4.

Of course we want to use 3buttonmice on the LinuxPPC MAcs.
but they are very expensive !!!

The MacPointProMouse is  about 38.99 english pounds =51 $
by an english distributor

The Contour Mac ADB Mouse is available in Germany for 239 DM == 111 $
by an German distributor

The Kensington 4 Button Bouse, but thats not we want is availabel  for 70$
by an German distributor$

This is very expensive , especially if you need 10 such mice !
and a PC mouse is about 10 $
Besides shipping charge is not cheap.

Before spending a lot of money the question is:
WiIl the 3 Button Mouse work  with LinuxPPC?

We want three button mice instead of 
left and right arrows

Besides we tried soldering  our own adapter using wire and tin-solder
So we made    a kind of adapter   from RS422 (serial MacInterface)
to RS232 a PC mouse 
For MacOS we succeeded using a control panel called <Serial Mouse>
But for LinuxPPC several problems occured ==> no satisfying  solution

How did you solve the problem
Which 3Buttonmouse do you use
Wherer did you buy it?

Hoping for answers,


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