601 vs head.S

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at calva.net
Sun Feb 21 23:51:19 EST 1999

On Sat, Feb 20, 1999, Brad Midgley <brad at pht.com> wrote:

>without patch: 
>Welcome to Linux, kernel 2.2.1
>with patch:
>Welcome to Linux, kernel 2.2.1
>started at ...
>linked at ...
>fb at...
>MSR ...

Are you sure that the patch you copied is the only difference between
those two kernels ? I mean, the first text used to be printed by prom.c
until I changed it to the second one with my latest patch (the one that
goes with BootX 1.0.2x)

In both cases, you hang after the early init and before the framebuffer
is really initialized.

           E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at calva.net>
BenH.      Web   : <http://calvaweb.calvacom.fr/bh40/>

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