Compiling Kernel 2.2.1 on a G3

Hollis R Blanchard hollis+ at
Sat Feb 20 15:48:01 EST 1999

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Scott Trimmer wrote:
> I have tried for weeks to get ANY kernel compiled, and I can get the
> kernel to compile.  But when I copy it into my System Folder on the mac,
> and boot every piece of text on the consoles is colored boxed with colored
> circles in the center of them.  Why is this, and what can I do?  The
> penguin in the upper right corner shows correctly, as well as the first
> message saying that kernel 2.2.1 is booting.

You need to disable "VGA font support" or something like that in the kernel
config. One would hope that 'make pmac_config' sets that value properly...


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