platform specs (was: PReP spec)

Rick Kwan kenobi at
Fri Feb 12 20:13:04 EST 1999

Thanks to Ken Robert's reply to my PReP spec query, I found the
PowerPC FAQ, dated 27 February 1997 at
and from there, found my way to
In this FTP site, the PReP documents are dated Oct 28, 1994, but
there is a "chrp" directory there with documents dated Nov 20, 1995
thru Oct 2, 1996.

In my sporadic reading, it does indeed appear that CHRP has
superceded PReP.  However, the above CHRP specs seem either pretty
old or pretty stable.  Or am I looking in the wrong place?

>From the FAQ, I also made the journey to Yellowknife, at
The design manual is dated 98 Feb 20, and clearly states that it
is a PowerPC/CHRP reference design.

A list of current CHRP machines would indeed be interesting,
if for nothing else, to show the breadth and flexibility of the
architecture.  (Or lack thereof.)

--Rick Kwan, Lightsaber Computing
  rick.kwan at

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