Bugs in xfree68 that made it fail with jdk 1.2.1 found and fixed (fwd)

Kostas Gewrgiou gewrgiou at imbc.gr
Wed Aug 18 04:29:06 EST 1999

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

> Anybody who'd care to try? I just erased my XFree86 3.3.x tree.
> BTW, I'm always willing to test a glibc-2.1 binary :-)

 I had to erase my build of 3.9.15x to make space for the 3.3.x build *sigh* :(

I'll have a binary in a few hours if you are intrested (Builds take a looong
time in my 604 at 132). I have to see if i can fix the no video drivers and the
Modes "default" case first (and write a cleaner patch ;).

  Kostas Gewrgiou.

PS> if i could fix the acceleration problems in my aty mach64gx also i'll be a
happy man, too slow without accel too much noise with accel :(

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