linuxppc for MPC860

sébastien tadéoni sebastien_tadeoni at
Wed Aug 18 00:48:35 EST 1999

Dear PPC People,

I'm a student working this time in Matra SI, in the electronic section.
I want to run linuxppc on a custom MPC860 PowerQuiccMH board with:

       *64 Mo DRAM
       *4 Mo FLASH ROM
       *Ethernet is supported on SCC1
       *a serial port on the SCC4

I'm working on a PII 400 computer with the linux-2.2.10 release.
My cross compiler is gcc-2.7.x and I found an embedded-2.2.5 directory
on the net (for the linuxppc sources) but I have some problem with the

I want to import also a linuxppc kernel release on my board, and after
create a serveur (ethernet, video and internet if necessary) from this

I'm not sure which way I must follow:

       - Create a minimal root file system (on the                     
      flash memory) for after booting the embedded                     
      board with linux (must I write a bootloader                      
     and configure the flash ?)

       - Booting (via ethernet or another protocole)                   
        with a precompiled linuxppc kernel.

I's that correct? If yes could you tell me please how I must process or
if you have another easier solution?

I didn't seen the configuration scripts modified (for compiling the
kernel) for MPC860 on the .config and makefile; have you worked on this
subject recently?
Thanks for your help and Have a good Day.
Sébastien Tadéoni.

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