SOCKS5 (fwd)

Jeff Rugen jrugen at
Tue Aug 10 07:28:57 EST 1999

I sent this over the weekend, but I didn't see it come through so I'm
wondering if it got lost somewhere.  I'm still getting messages for the
list, and its in the archives, but several of the archived messages I never
got, so just in case.... I'm sorry if you've gotten it before.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 20:29:00 -0700 (MST)
From: Jeff Rugen <jrugen at>
To: linuxppc-dev <linuxppc-dev at>
Subject: SOCKS5

Has anyone gotten socks5 compiled and working under LinuxPPC?  I'm going
through the instructions at:

And can build it fine, but the test he says to run before really doing
anything gives a segmentation fault when using some variable args stuff.

A function is called that accepts a variable parameter list, and it causes a
seg fault.  Are there any weirdnesses in R5 on the PowerPC with the varargs
stuff that can get by on other platforms?  Or does anyone have patches to
get it to work?  Or is there an alternate proxy server that I've somehow
missed that will work?


Jeff Rugen                      jrugen at

...Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror, and you 
would not have been informed.

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