Blue & White G3s

Adam Powell hazelsct at
Sun Apr 25 12:14:23 EST 1999

Dan Burcaw wrote:

> Folks,
> Our in-house development team has successfully ported the CMD646
> driver to the Linux/PPC kernel, offering the much anticipated support
> for the primary ATA chain. This driver supports the ultra-DMA features
> of the chipset, allowing data transfer in excess of 30MB per second.
> The Blue & Whites are now fully functional with ATA, SCSI, and USB.

Er, cool!  But I've been using a CMD646 IDE kernel driver since on my AlphaPC
LX164 533 MHz since last October (2.1.116, I believe).  Is this your driver,
or have you since reinvented the wheel, or was it Alpha-specific, or am I
missing something?


-Adam      "...the firmament sheweth His handywork" (Ps 19:1)    ///
............................................................__  ///|
Adam "Cold Fusion" Powell IV Firmament Science & Engineering\\\///_| Standing on the Solid State Rock\XX/  |MIGA

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