powerpc system open for development?

Troy Benjegerdes hozer at drgw.net
Fri Apr 23 15:25:20 EST 1999

I have several PPC machines on a 256kbps ADSL connection, and I'd be
willing to donate some accounts for a few projects. (I'd prefer Open
Source, but will consider others if you make a good case.)

Send me a proposal with expected disk/bandwidth/processor usage and I will
consider it.

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

>    Hi,
>    Is there a powerpc open system open for development? Free unix accounts of course
> are required, plus many development tools. The problem is I am on a dialup system, 
> so some authors that I am helping in porting some programs -e.g. freeamp- cannot do
> real debugging, as they cannot login and do real development. As it is debugging is
> restricted to me-send-bug-report/he-sends-possible-fix/me-sends-another-bug-report/
> he-sends-another-possible-fix, etc... you get the idea.
>    I think that something like this is necessary on an organized basis if porting
> is to go any faster.
> - --
> Konstantinos Margaritis
> kmargar at cc.uoa.gr, markos at debian.org
> Version: 2.6.3ia
> Charset: noconv
> iQCVAwUBNx+sO/alfJok8qABAQFzfwP+MzOY5gcydcwbTyJhXmX0aAP9HkFd5y0K
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> YcEu1i+8M57fm2Tr/uE82DIWAZCLQkNipRv7C81krZHDfb7wv6ZLUWEgC+IJQso9
> BiZcnrAUG3s=
> =Grx8

| Troy Benjegerdes    |       troy at microux.com     |    hozer at drgw.net   |
|    Unix is user friendly... You just have to be friendly to it first.  |
| This message composed with 100% free software.    http://www.gnu.org   |

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