Digidesign AM-III audio card driver etc...

Stanko Juzbasic stanko.juzbasic at zg.tel.hr
Thu Nov 26 00:01:20 EST 1998

To whom it may concern...

Has anybody thought of writing a driver for a high-guality sound card
such as Digidesign AudioMedia III
PCI sound card. I hope somebody is aware of the valuable public domain
research software in the field of computer music that has been written
in the academic comunity during past 20 years.

I hope there will come a day that this software becomes portable also to
Linux_PPC, not only to high-end
commercial UNIX platforms, beyond financial reach of people who want to
learn something in thios highly
creative and exciting field.

By finally fixing the kernel /dev/dsp buffering problems and by writing
a driver for this widely available
higgh quality sound card the educational academic aims of Linux_PPC and
public domain research software could
be brought one important step forward.


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