[PATCH] new offb.c fix

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at calva.net
Wed Dec 23 20:23:27 EST 1998

Enclosed is the latest version of the patch. I updated more pieces of
code here or there so that offb.c can now theorically work in directcolor
if the cmap_adr field is present.

However, I still disable this feature and uses the ATI kludge only in 8
bits since there is a difference in the way the color registers must be
programmed between different models of ATI chips, and this broke for
example 16 bits on PowerBook G3 Series (LT-G)

It still missing code for getting the default palette set by bootx but
this is less urgent. This fix was more important since I would like
everyone to be able to boot in "no video driver" mode, at least for the
installer. That also means that the installer could be packaged with a
kernel containing _only_ offb to save space.

Note: Geert, while testing in direct colors, I had a funny problem in 32
bits: everything was fine except the console cursor which had a different
color on each virtual console. Since I remember reading about similar
bugs in early versions of other fb devices, I guess it's a common
mistake. Do you have a clue about what's going on ? It's not very
important since we are always in truecolor with this version, but I'm
curious ;-)

           E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at calva.net>
BenH.      Web   : <http://calvaweb.calvacom.fr/bh40/>

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