MCP750 and CPX2000 System

Jim Somerville Jim.Somerville.somer at
Tue Dec 22 11:07:42 EST 1998

Hi All,

I just wanted to tell the community that I have successfully netbooted an
MCP750, as part of a CPX2000 system.  It's a rescue kernel, and I had to work
around the fact that I did not have residual data.  Thanks to Eric Valette,
and transitive thanks to all the developers that he thanked...  now I just
have to figure out how to get a full blown installation happening to disk.

Problems so far:
It finds the NCR scsi controller chip, but ends up timing out on some scsi
command.  I don't know what the command is yet.  With this problem, I can't
get at the disk and the cdrom.

It finds two IDE controllers as expected.  No problem here.

It finds the 21140 ethernet chip, and programs it for MII.  I use ifconfig
to configure it, however RX seems to work but not TX.  Weird.

If anyone can provide help, I'm at somer at  Hopefully this is not
related to not having residual data....



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