Restructure of arch/ppc/kernel and include/asm-ppc, part 2

Mark S. Mathews mark at
Fri Dec 18 05:46:00 EST 1998

Hi Corey,

Just a suggestion here.

>   * Lots of CONFIG_8xx still occur.  I'm not sure what to do for these,
>     it's hard to tell exactly what is 8xx specific and MBX specific.
>     Are all MBX cards 8xx based?  I'd assume so, from the code.  And
>     I doubt we are going to be able to get rid of these.

Would it be possible to keep in mind that the MBX is _not_ the only board
that uses the MPC8xx.  We're doing some work here with two different
boards that use MPC8xx processors, but are definitely _not_ MBX boards.
Perhaps have separate config options for the 8xx processor and the board



Mark S. Mathews

AbsoluteValue Software     Web:
P.O. Box 941149            e-mail: mark at
Maitland, FL 32794-1149    Phone:  407.644.8582
USA                        Fax:    407.539.1294

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