Complete fix for PB 2400 16-bit video problem

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at
Wed Dec 16 03:56:27 EST 1998

On Sun, Dec 13, 1998, David Ray <daver at> wrote:

>It appears that the 16-bit in the console still has some problems. The color
>balance is off, but useable. Red is too bright and blue is too dim. I use a
>custom prompt that uses ansi colors so the color balance at the console
is more
>apparent on my system than on one that just uses white characters.

There is still a little issue with DIRECTCOLOR vs. TRUECOLOR and default
console color map, I think Tim will post a patch soon but if he can't,
I'll try a fix and send it to the list (I don't own a 2400 so I can't test).

           E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at>
BenH.      Web   : <>

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