BootX, ramdisk and root device

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at
Wed Dec 16 00:37:56 EST 1998

Hi All !

A couple of questions for which I would like feed-back before changing BootX:

I've seen users having troubles because they both checked the "Use RAM
Disk" box and wrote some incorrect infos in the /dev/xxx edit field of BootX.

I was wondering: Is there any case where a user may want to have both
"Use RamDisk" and a specified root device ? Should I ignore the content
of the root device field when ram disk is used ? (It still possible to
force it by typing the parameter manually in the kernel args anyway).

Similar issue: should I lookup and remove any "video=xxxx" option from
the kenrnel args prior to booting the kernel when "no video driver" is
checked or is this harmless ?

           E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at>
BenH.      Web   : <>

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