Kernel 2.1.131

john s anderson jacobs at
Fri Dec 11 04:11:27 EST 1998

On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, nathan ingersoll wrote:

> Has anyone successfully compiled and used the 2.1.131 kernel from
> I downloaded it and compiled it without error, but when I
> try to boot all I get is a black screen with the line "Welcome to Linux
> kernel 2.1.131" or something like that. Nothing happens after this. I did
> forget to compile and install the modules, but I don't think that would
> cause the system to hang right off the bat. Any ideas on the problem?

I have no ideas on the problem, but I can confirm that a 2.1.131 kernal,
without modules properly installed, will boot my 7500.

In fact, it's fairly functional (I used it for ~1 day, before I got a
chance to reboot and move files on the MacOS side.), so that's not your

jacobs at

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