EGCS 1.1.1 FYI

Elgin Lee ehl at
Wed Dec 9 16:22:54 EST 1998

>>>>> In <Pine.LNX.3.96.981208202419.4464D-100000 at zero> 
>>>>>	Tom Vier <nester at> wrote:

> anyone know if egcs-1.1.1-1a.ppc.rpm from pre-R5 is patched?

I don't know, but I doubt it.  You can check the SRPM to see.  IIRC,
LinuxPPC pre-R5 is based on an egcs-1.1.1-compiled glibc 2.1, which

    1. works fine with an unpatched egcs
    2. would not work with a patched egcs

The patches are only for compatibility with the currently deployed
shared libraries.


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