AUDIO files don't seem to play...

Stanko Juzbasic stanko.juzbasic at
Tue Dec 8 05:17:29 EST 1998

To whoever it may concern...

I have recently installed Linux_PPC R4 (kernel 2.1.24)  on a PowerMac
7200 with PowerPC 601 chip.
I am interested in audio.
I tried to play a few straigrtforward 44.1 k audio files (.wav; .aiff;
.au; .snd; raw), plain PCM,
no compression -it does not work: unpleasant gaps dominate the
reproduction. I used the comand
play (from SOX, which is the only audio utility that seems to come with
the system). It seems to do something
with double buffering, or timing problems, I checked every piece of
documentation that I came across, no mention.
I recompiled the kernel, recompiled SOX, it's all the same.
On the other hand audio CDs are being played flawlessly.
If anybody has experienced such a problem, I would be glad to be told
about the remedy, else, I am curious to report it.

Thanks in advance!


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