XF68_FBDev under MkLinux?

David A. Gatwood marsmail at globegate.utm.edu
Tue Dec 8 04:46:40 EST 1998

On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:

> On Sun, 6 Dec 1998, David A. Gatwood wrote:
> > On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Elgin Lee wrote:
> > > >   2. Adopt XF68_FBdev so it can use the MkLinux video mode ioctl stuff.
> > 
> > vmode ioctl stuff?  Since when does MkLinux support detecting or changing
> > video modes?  This is where we're going to run into trouble either way.
> Doesn't the stuff in <asm/vc_ioctl.h> come from MkLinux?

Maybe.  I'm not saying the linux server part doesn't have the support,
just that the mach kernel drivers don't, AFAIK.  :-)


David A. Gatwood                         Visit globegate's internet
dgatwood at globegate.utm.edu                  talker, Deep Space 36
http://globegate.utm.edu                telnet globegate.utm.edu:9624

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