Communicator 4.5 or Linuxppc at fault?

Ray Allis ray at
Mon Dec 7 15:18:58 EST 1998

charlie buckheit wrote:

> At 9:33 AM -0800 12/1/98, Sean Harding wrote:
> > On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> >
> >> done on ours.  4.5 is very unstable; 4.07 I have not tried; 4.5b2 is
> >
> > Note that this is unlikely to be a glibc2-related problem. 4.5 is unstable
> > on every LinuxPPC machine I've tried it on (it works fine on Irix and
> > Solaris).
> I shut off javascript, and 4.5 has been running just fine.

Not my experience.  Communicator 4.5b2 in announcing that it expires
Dec. 10.  4.5 crashes often, even with Javascript turned off.  It -does-
seem to happen predictably when opening those little advertisement
windows -- like anything with in it.  Autocrash.

It works on mklinux? (it is so identified on the Netscape site).  I am using
the June release 4 CD system on a 7500/100, and otherwise everything
works beautifully.

Is this a Linuxppc r4/KDE or Xpmac problem that will be fixed by r5/gnome?

I -live- on the web.  Am I going to have to go back to MacOS when
Communicator 4.5b2 expires on the 10th?

Ray Allis - ray.allis at

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