XF68_FBDev under MkLinux?

Ryuichi Oikawa roikawa at rr.iij4u.or.jp
Mon Dec 7 03:40:16 EST 1998

From: anthony tong <atong at uiuc.edu>
Subject: Re: XF68_FBDev under MkLinux?
> Geert Uytterhoeven (Sat, Dec 05, 1998 at 11:20:33PM +0100):
> >   2. Adopt XF68_FBdev so it can use the MkLinux video mode ioctl stuff. This
> >      requires no kernel changes. In XF68_FBDev, the video ioctl and mmap stuff
> >      has to be changed slightly.
> > 
> > I think the second solution is the least amount of work.
> Agreed.

Simple question: What is the advantage of fbdev server without
 frame buffer device ?

Please note I am NOT against this project. More possible selection
is better.


Ryuichi Oikawa
roikawa at rr.iij4u.or.jp

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