New XF68_FBDev

Ryuichi Oikawa roikawa at
Mon Dec 7 03:09:02 EST 1998

> > > Oops, I meant `Ryuichi's latest changes for mach64im.c'. I start to wonder
> > > whether I really need them, since these things worked fine before, too. Or am I
> > > getting insane and talking nonsenses?
> >  Excuse me, what are "them" exactly ?
> The byteorder stuff in mach64im.c. I don't see a difference with or without
> them.
 Sorry, but I don't believe that different data give the same result.
I think you can see difference for example by experimentally changeing to
    if ( 1 /* (alu != MIX_SRC) || ((planemask & PMask) != PMask)*/ ) {
	mach64ImageWriteHW(x, y, w, h, psrc, pwidth, px, py,
			   alu, planemask);
and executing XPutImage function.

As a matter of fact, I added byte/bit reordering because I didn't any
documents about Mach64 registers other than XFree86 code. Now that I
have got the documents(thanks!), I understand all should be done is
simply setting host control register appropriately, for at least
Mach64VT or above. I intend to rewrite mach64im.c faster and more

> Never trust mail ordering.
 Indeed. Original messages are coming several days after followups
these days. It is difficult for me to understand what are discussed.
I wonder I subscribe the list wrong way.

BTW, I think it is better to revert this to the original
 because mach64MaxX and mach64MaxY are not sizes but coordinates.
+    mach64VirtX = mach64MaxX = mach64InfoRec.virtualX;
+    mach64VirtY = mach64MaxY = mach64InfoRec.virtualY;


Ryuichi Oikawa
roikawa at

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