[mkfs.erofs]Do you have plan to support selinux file_context

Gao Xiang hsiangkao at aol.com
Wed Apr 29 00:04:23 AEST 2020

Hi Shung,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 03:20:45PM +0800, Shung Wang wrote:
> Dear developers,
> Current mkfs.erofs doesn't support read sepolicy from file_context .
> Do you have plan to support that?

Yes, definitely. Actually, that is not a real technical blocking.
For me, partially due to my personal hardware limitation, I'm not able
to fetch/compile/test Android system on my personal computer.

If you are an Android software developer, could you kindly help implement
it (and Android.bp if possible) and send a patch to community? that may
be not a complex stuff in my opinion but would be of great help to all
of us. :)

Thanks a lot!
Gao Xiang

> thanks
> best regards,
> Xiong

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