回覆: 回覆: 回覆: [PATCH v2 05/10] ARM: dts: aspeed: system1: Add RGMII support

Jacky Chou jacky_chou at aspeedtech.com
Mon Jan 13 17:18:42 AEDT 2025

Hi Andrew

Thank you for your reply.

> > Agree. You are right. This part is used to create a gated clock.
> > We will configure these RGMII delay in bootloader like U-boot.
> > Therefore, here does not configure delay again.
> > Because AST2600 MAC1/2 RGMII delay setting in scu region is combined
> > to one 32-bit register,
> > MAC3/4 is also. I will also use 'aliase' to get MAC index to set delay in scu.
> >
> > // aspeed-g6.dtsi
> > aliases {
> > 		..........
> > 		mac0 = &mac0;
> > 		mac1 = &mac1;
> > 		mac2 = &mac2;
> > 		mac4 = &mac3;
> > 	};
> I would avoid that, because they are under control of the DT developer. You
> sometimes seen the order changed in the hope of changing the interface
> names, rather than use a udev script, or systemd naming scheme.
> The physical address of each interface is well known and fixed? Are they the
> same for all ASTxxxx devices? I would hard code them into the driver to
> identify the instance.

The physical address of each interface is all different in all aspeed device.
And they are fixed and known. I can use the address to distinguish the interface.

> But first we need to fix what is broken with the existing DT phy-modes etc.
> What is the reset default of these SCU registers? 0? So we can tell if the
> bootloader has modified it and inserted a delay?
> What i think you need to do is during probe of the MAC driver, compare
> phy-mode and how the delays are configured in hardware. If the delays in
> hardware are 0, assume phy-mode is correct and use it. If the delays are not 0,
> compare them with phy-mode. If the delays and phy-mode agree, use them. If
> they disagree, assume phy-mode is wrong, issue a dev_warn() that the DT blob
> is out of date, and modify phy-mode to match the delays in the hardware,
> including a good explanation of what is going on in the commit message to
> help those with out of tree DT files. And then patch all the in tree DT files to
> use the correct phy-mode.

Agree. I think this method is good. The RGMII delay reset value in SCU is zero.
I can use the reset value to know if the RGMII delay is configured.
If the values are not match the phy-mode, print warning message and apply the 
RGMII delay property if there is in MAC node of dts.

> Please double check my logic, just to make sure it is correct. If i have it correct,
> it should be backwards compatible. The one feature you loose out on is when
> the bootloader sets the wrong delays and you want phy-mode to actually
> override it.
> When AST2700 comes along, you can skip all this, get it right from the start
> and not need this workaround.

Thanks for your friendly reminder.


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