No subject

Fri Nov 8 10:45:02 AEDT 2024

the most recent board revision. See some of the Aspeed EVB devicetrees
for an example.

> >=20
> > I'm also interested in some discussion of the coordination between
> > CPLD
> > firmware, the devicetree and the BMC userspace configuration. This
> > change feels pretty painful.
> I am not from the CPLD firmware team,

I don't see why you need to be? This is a cross-component concern, and
you need to make all the pieces of the puzzle line up.

>  I only know our CPLD team was
> redesigning the entire struct which causes the huge changes of IOEXP
> pins.
> This is probably a different topic, I am curious about is it possible
> to assign the linename in userspace?
> In OpenBMC, there are many services that depend on GPIO linename, it
> will be more flexible if I can assign the linename before service
> starts.

Not that I'm aware, and to determine otherwise I'd probably need to
read the implementation as much as you :)

However, separating the devicetrees would go a long way here if the
CPLD firmware is tied to the board revision...


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